Wasn't it just recently I reformatted my new notebook?
Well, I'm actually now awaiting "patiently" for the serviceman's arrival!
Apparently my so-called "pretty new" hard disk is giving way and they'll come replace it with a new one. Again?(I heard you) Should I be happy or should I curse my brains out?
The thought of re-installing all my frequently used programs do not the least appeal to me. Not forgetting the re-transfering of my documents and files into the new harddisk.
But for once, I'm gladful for my external harddisk which will make my backup and transfering easier.
With 3 notebooks and 1 desktop at home. I've always thought, it wouldn't be much of a problem if my notebook crashes on me. I'll still have access to the Internet.
I'm wrong! Here I am using my old notebook, yet feeling handicapped. Even the keyboard seems weird to me. To think this is the same notebook that had accompanied me for years before upgrading to the current one.
Ok, it's Thanksgiving. I shouldn't be complaining much I guess. This at least better than not having internet access!
I would definitely go bonkers without access to the internet.
The Man, once comented "to see you jump like amonkey on fire is easy, just imagine you without the Internet!"..... &#@%^)$^!)^@!*&$^
To all that's celebrating Thanksgiving....Happy Thanksgiving!!!

3 Divulge:
I know what "he" means!!! and I can imagine you being super "man-zhang" now
ever heard of the saying "rubbing salt to the wound"?
Technology is great...when it works!
Thanks for stopping by cyberbones, Happy Thanksgiving!
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