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Watery Wednesday

Attack of the Fishes!
Attacked by Dr.Fish!!
Fishes feasting on dead skin cells of my feet.
Verdict=Ticklish but enjoyable.
My other WW entry @ Napaboaniya APAD

Jennifer of Jennifer's Blissful Place has sweetly bestowed the One Sweet Blog Award to me!! :P

Author of Blog

Napaboaniya APAD

41 Divulge:

CRIZ LAI said...

Aiksss.. they do look more alive than dead.. haha.. I mean the legs :P I hope they didn't tickle you to death.. haha.

Pretty Life Online said...

Huh! Perfect shot, I am wordless... Hope you'll visit my corner too.

jams o donnell said...

Wonderful. I hear it is good for skin conditions like psoriasis. I wonder if it's available in England. Happy WW

SandyCarlson said...

That looks like an interesting experience!

eastcoastlife said...

Wahhh! So many fishes!!
I should have gone for it too!

Later pass me your Jap paranormal programme.
You want me to point out the exact locations of the execution sites in our areas?
I went to one Japanese execution site today and felt a hair-raising experience. :P

Rhonda Gales said...

I've been wanting to try Dr. Fish. I hope to treat myself to a fish pedicure soon.

Anonymous said...

It took me a sec to realize they were fish and not bubbles... love the photo!


Carver said...

Wow, that's almost scary. Great shot.

Juliana said...

ow...i don't dare to do that :D

Please drop at my WW post also: in HERE or HERE. Thanks

tigerfish said...

This is a trend, must be. Been seeing this quite often. The whole body is full of dead cells also leh, not only the leg.

Tink *~*~* said...

So... you do this, like, deliberately? =8^0 I think I would be too chicken! LOL

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Anonymous said...

I've heard of this but I don't think I could do it... too squeamish

Jenn in Holland said...

Oh! I have heard of that, but never tried it. I think it looks like fun!

Mojo said...

I guess that's one way to exfoliate!
Neat shot... very unique.

Gabriel said...

That was cool! I guess I would do it, letting them eat my dead skin. Problem is, then I would eat them...


Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I could only imagine how nice the tickling felt.

Happy WW!

My WW entry is here.

CK Ng said...

I dunno whether I can stand the tickling, but I must try it one day. Happy WW! :)

Corey~living and loving said...

love it. great photo! fun!

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Hi Elaine! good afternoon:) Thanks for the ML! And I want to try that too:D hehe

Anonymous said...

ouch ouch ouch! :) that looks really interesting. believe it or not, i won't mind giving it a try. :) happy ww!

Monster Truck Driver

Anonymous said...

I think a little too weird for me, but I like the photo. You are good at capturing very dynamic things in a still medium. Those fish practically wriggle on the screen.

Shannon said...

I heard about that on an NPR podcast the other day and would love to try it. I am a bit jealous as I am in desperate need of a mani/pedi. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so you couldn't pay me to do this, but it's a great photo!

Anonymous said...

I'd do it!

janese said...

are they alive?wow!!that's nice!!

Carletta said...

Great Watery post - I could not do this!

2sweetnsaxy said...

I've heard about this so I like seeing this a little more close-up. Didn't know if this was your entry for Watery Wednesday too or not but still, Love the shot. It's great!

Anonymous said...

Is this for real? I mean is it really therapy of some sort?

~*~Patty S said...

Yikes, I've seen this on the news = leaves me wordless as well ;)

Anonymous said...

fish feeding foot spa?!

Norm said...

ohh! great capture!!! lots of baby fish..

Anonymous said...

love to join here!!! visit my first wordless entry...

EG CameraGirl said...

I think my feet might be too ticklish to do that. ;-) Happy Watery Wednesday!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my gosh, that's amazing. Great photo.

Anonymous said...

That looks like fun, but it kind of gives me the creeps.
The photo however is wonderful.

JO said...

how come the fish didn't run away from your feet?

here's mine... thanks!

Jenn said...

It looks like fun! Super ticklish though! Cool picture!

ArtSparker said...

Funny and lovely

escape said...

hahaha... do you think the fish knows what they are doing?

eastcoastlife said...

Woman, need an anti-theft device? Win one at my contest. :)

Monkey! said...

With the fish doing all the work, is this service free?

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Napaboaniya APAD