Finally Blog Action Day is here~~~
Ways are ways to save the environment via dailies
1. Bring your own environmental friendly shopping bag(s) while out
2. Water plants with the water you've used to wash ur rice. Works as a fertilizer too!
3. Keep plastic egg cartons - use these to hold poster paint, trash them after use.
4. Keep plastic ice cream containers - use them to keep crayons, kids stuffs etc
5. Keep old clothes - use them as rags or let ur kids wear them while they're painting
6. Cut down on paper - email instead
7. Crush eggshells - sprinkle on ur house plants as fertilizer
21st Day.
I came across a cd with 881 on the front cover. Without thought I bought it. Nightmare arh!!!!!!!! Nabeyz all the songs are in hokkien!!!!!! Some are nice and hilarious, but some hor knnz sibey pai tiah!!! less den 10secs I'll hit the "next track". With a closer look at the album cover there's actually a picture of Liu Ling Ling aka 600 BUT a bimboo version of her which made me laughed untill I almost peng on the floor. Heng the disc $6 nia...if not I'll sepak myself left and right. See lar!! consequences of impulse purchase!
Listening to : Yi Ren Yi Ban - Chen Jin Lang
Feeling : Tio Pian
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