Jun 29, 2008

Weekend SnapShot #29

Weekend SnapShot

We brought the kids to the Science Centre,Singapore for their
Dinosaur Alive exhibition.
I'm not a big fan of dinosaurs, but it was interesting for the kids exposure.
There was also The Water H20 = Life exhibition.
My kids went wild and played with the water works wetting themselves silly.
Thank goodness, we brought extra sets of clothes for them to change into.

My other WSS shot of my daughter drenched here!!!
Author of Blog

Napaboaniya APAD

16 Divulge:

escape said...

nice exhibit. just dont bring them back to life please! lol.

Michael Wong said...

Hi, was wondering if you'd like to exchange links with me?
If yes, please leave your blog url as a comment at:
I'll link to you first, then when you have time link back k?
Thanks, Michael
BTW--I'm michaelwong38 on digg. If ever you want something dugg, just send me a shout anytime.

Juliana said...

wow..this is nice exhibition...

Mine in here and here Thanks

Juliana RW said...

good to spend ur wekend with family...

Visit me in here

Carver said...

I enjoyed taking my daughter to a big dinosaur exhibit when she was growing up. That sounds like a fun family outing you had with your kids.

Caroline said...

Kids usually love dinosaurs but they love water more.

tigerfish said...

I'm not a big fan of dinosaurs either. The closest I got to dinosaurs was in Jurassic Park!LOL!

Anonymous said...

hello napaboaniya, what agreat place for a kids. they surely enjoyed a lot...

Anonymous said...

That will give the kids good memories. :)

marcia@joyismygoal said...

sounds like a great day

SandyCarlson said...

Dionsaurs are interesting. Exhibits of these guys always make me think that time really does fly. They seem so lifelike. Their skulls are so expressive.

eastcoastlife said...

Dinosaurs are out of the windows for my son and teenaged wards now. Even my 11 yr-old niece is pooh-poohing such exhibitions when they used to love the dinos when they were midgets.

Where's your Saturday event write up? :)

Anonymous said...

ooh, my nephew had a grand time there with the dinos! happy week, elaine!

Anonymous said...

i would love to be able to visit the place! am sure my son would love it, too! :)
hope it's ok ... got a tag for you!

happy start of the week, Elaine! :)

Anonymous said...

That looks like a fun place to visit,Ling.

Have a great week :)

Heart of Rachel said...

Great photos. Yohan would LOVE to see an exhibit like that.

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Napaboaniya APAD