Synopsis:With thanks and gratitude for receiving this wonderful book from MaryT.
This story of a middle-aged woman's odyssey down the Mississippi River is a funny, beautifully written, and poignant tale of a journey that transforms a life
In fall 2005 acclaimed travel writer Mary Morris set off down the Mississippi in a battered old houseboat called the River Queen, with two river rats named Tom and Jerry--and a rat terrier, named Samantha Jean, who hated her. It was a time of emotional turmoil for Morris. Her father had just died; her daughter was leaving home; life was changing all around her. It was then she decided to return to the Midwest where she was from, to the river she remembered, where her father had played jazz piano in tiny towns.
Morris describes living like a pirate and surviving a tornado. Because of Katrina, oil prices, and drought, the river was often empty--a ghost river--and Morris experienced it as Joliet and Marquette had four hundred years earlier. As she learned to pilot her beloved River Queen without running aground and made peace with Samantha Jean, Morris got her groove back, reconnecting to her past. More important, she came away with her best book, a bittersweet travel tale told in the very real voice of a smart, sad, funny, gutsy, and absolutely appealing woman.
My other WSS here.

23 Divulge:
You spent the whole day reading? No going out for some sunshine. Later get mouldy. ewww.....
reading + makan junk food = shiok :P Weather is a killer out there :(
yep... I'm wilting in this weather.
I still remember our Big Splash Old Town. Sorry, not able to do it for next one month.
Got the competition (Have you voted for me?hehe...) to blog for plus a Taiwanese kid to take care. Summer holiday. Wilt... wilt... wilt....
Sounds interesting,Elaine! Me too, no outdoor this weekend! :D
Sounds like an interesting book. I'll have to check it out of my library. It's fun to hear about books I haven't read yet through reading about them on blogs.
I'd like to invite you to Mailbox Monday. Post any mailbox picture, sign in to Mr. Linky and you're done.
enjoy your book :D
Mine in here. Thanks
hmmm...i never know this author. but i am sure you will enjoy read it.
Visit mine also in here Thanks
nice angle on your shot --it is a good book then?
A quiet weekend with a good book, I like that.
so nice of her to give you such a good book. you're blessed to have her.
sounds like an interesting book!
too bad i'm not a fan of books. :(
I have not read a book from start to finish for a long long long long time :O
wow.. hope i could also finish reading my book soon. happy ws!
it seems an interesting book.
My WS Entry is here
It looks like but i am not really fun of reading books but likes to read sometimes. Mine is up...
seems like a good book. reading surely relieves stress thats what i do everyday after a very long day.
heres my entries for this week Our Journey
Just Another Day
Sounds interesting. I may check it out.
you read the book in one sitting? i just can't do that, i have short attention span, hehe.
i miss reading books. i have been busy lately that I can't find the time to sit down and enjoy reading a book.
Mine is up. Hope you can drop by
i wish i had the time for reading... i seem so disorganized nowadays :)
Just noticed the link from your blog, Elaine! So sorry I missed this great post! I'm glad you're enjoying the book! :)
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