To those that are sceptical that blogging pays ur heart out!!
I received my 1st Nuffnang check in my mailbox!!
Unlike famous bloggers that earn 4 digits paycheck,
I only received a 2 digit amount.
However, I'm still pleased!!!
I need not spend a single cent blogging.
I had a good time blogging as per normal leaving the ads to run itself and ta-da!!
A nice paycheck arrives to brighten my day :P

5 Divulge:
wow! at least you're earning from your blog. congratulations!
they sent me one months ago..but no surname... complain..will send me another...
wait for weeks...not yet come...SLOW lei...
thanks!! :)
@_@ suay leh u!! Hope you'll receive yours soon :P
Congratulations - who knows where it might lead.
It may be 99 and si still good! Congratulations!
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