Sep 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday #39

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Floating Pagoda,Singapore
A floating pagoda at the Mid Autumn Festival.
Clark Quay,Singapore.

Author of Blog

Napaboaniya APAD

30 Divulge:

Pretty Life Online said...

Perfect catch for Wordless! Have a great day! I am back... mine's up too hope you can drop by.

jams o donnell said...

Ooh THat is beautiful. Great shot!

SandyCarlson said...

That is gorgeous!

Rhonda Gales said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot! Looks like a magical place :) Happy WW :)

My WW entries for today are at:

Pastyme With Good Companye

The Paranormal Blog

Nuttin' But

Please stop by if you have a moment :)

Carver said...

I'm enjoying your shots from the festival so much.

J@n!ce said...

It seems so long since I last went to a Mid Autumn Festival celebration at the Chinese Garden. You managed to capture some really good ones :)

marcia@joyismygoal said...

so pretty and seems so precarious

Gabriel said...

Beautiful picture!

DrillerAA said...

I love night shots. They can be spectacular, just like this photo.
Have a Wonderful Wordless Wednesday.

MommaWannabe said...

Great shot! Very beautiful.

Happy WW!

The Fitness Diva said...

That's pretty stunning!

Almost like fire on the water...

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful, I love night shots :)

Sushi said...

Beautiful, reminds me of mama's pics from SG.When you have a chance, stop by for some b-day cake!:)

escape said...


Minkydo said...

As usual another wonderful photo. The colors are amazing in that photo.

tigerfish said...

Leaning Tower of Pisa or Pagoda ? :P

EG CameraGirl said...

What a beautiful photo!

InventingLiz said...

Impressive! Such great colors.

MattM3 said...

Very nice! Singapore is a great city.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Absolutely gorgeous shot!

Happy WW!

Patsy said...

Beautiful --- it seems like too little to say, but I can think of no other word. :)

Anonymous said...

my brother-in-law and his family and a couple of friends of mine live in singapore. i bet they're enjoying the mid-autumn festival, too! :D

Hello Kitty
On the Lake

Kristin said...

You always have the best pictures, gorgeous shot!!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Fabulous shot!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful shot. I have to hurry and retire. There are so many places I want to visit.
Looks Good

Tena said...

I love how the light are reflecting in the water, beautiful picture

Anonymous said...

clors of asia at its best!

TorAa said...

I'm impressed by the beauty of this motif. Excellent WW entry

Everyday Healy said...

Hey! This is beautiful!

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Napaboaniya APAD