Extracted from an email I received.
This little girl is at the PHUKET HOSPITAL - She does not remember her own name or anything about herself. She has lost her parents. She was a victim of the tidal wave disaster in Phuket, Thailand and nobody knows who she is.
*UPDATE* Extracted from here (Link provided by the Bitch@Workz)
On 29 Dec. 2004, Sophia was able to be transported from Thailand to Germany, and is receiving further medical treatment here. (Germany) She is doing reasonably well considering the circumstances. She is being lovingly cared for by her relatives. The status of her parents is at this point unknown.
Through the attention of the media and the help of local citizens, it was possible to identify her relatives and deliver Sophia into their hands.

15 Divulge:
really? until now nobody claimed her yet? i hope people will recognize her the soonest.
Poor Little girl.. God will bless her!! Hope she can find her parents back..
That's so sad. Hope she will be reunited with her family.
Recent event? That's sad.
alamak......read here...the little girl is re-united with her granny in germany long long ago
That is so sad. I hope her parents find her soon.
I hope she is reunited soon.
I had also read that this girl had reunited with her family, so there's some relief in there...
I like your new template! :-)
My post...
Wow...that happened 4 years ago? I wonder how she is doing now? Happy WW.
Oh my! I Hope she's fine now... Happy WW!
I am glad she is with family again. The poor child!
oh that's really sad! For sure if her parents can see her on TV they will know her. But if incase her parents are dead too then..oh well..i hope she will still recover and her relatives can find her.
thanks for sharing, Elaine!
I'm glad she is with relatives. Happy WW
A reminder to treasure what we have.
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